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Category: <span>Nyheder</span>

Stresset over studiet eller arbejdet? – SÅ TAG MED GANAPATI EXPRESS!

  Are you ready for a ride with Ganapati Express? So get moving, and experience the music and rhythm of Hindustani fusion with Ganapati Express. In october 2014 in Copenhagen (16th. to the 28th. of October) we are inviting our friends Ganapati Express, who are gonna perform perform indian “bhajans”, but in a …

Swadisthan The Second Chakra

Swadisthan Chakra Name: Swadisthan Chakra Physical Level: Aortic Plexus Controls: Liver, kidney, spleen and pancreas Qualities: Creativity, Inspiration, Aesthetics and Art, Intellectual Perception (Pure Knowledge or Truth) Place on Hand: Thumb Causes of Catch: Left aspect – spiritualism and black magic, false gurus and knowledge, alcohol and drugs, extreme servility …