Are you looking for a natural, effortless and cost-free type of meditation?
Would you also like to enjoy some Indian fusion music?
– Then join us for a meditation session and music program in Billund.
Completely free of charge and perfectly suitable for both, total beginners and meditation veterans alike. This meditation method gives one inner peace, balance, and self-knowledge. We will also share some practical techniques on how to maintain balance in everyday life.
Have the information as a pdf here
We are looking forward to seeing you 🙂
The event is organized by a non-profit association in Billund Municipality “Sahaja Yoga Meditation Forening”
What about your data?
– As you probably are aware, the new EU legislation regarding personal addresses (GDPR) have been put into place from May 25th 2018.
You can read more about it here and how we keep your data here
Leder du efter en type af meditation, som er gratis, naturlig og uanstrengt?
Har du også lyst til at lytte til indisk fusion musik?
Så kom og være med til en meditations-session og musik program i Billund. Det er gratis, og meditationen er velegnet til både nybegyndere og eksperter.
Metoden giver dig indre ro, balance og selverkendelse. Vi vil også fortælle om nogle praktiske teknikker til at opretholde balance i hverdagen.
Du kan finde informationen her
Vi ser frem til at se dig 🙂
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